Creative Director
UX Design
Visual Design
Discovery Workshop
User Personas
Brand Design
Content Map / IA
Wireframes + Prototype
User Testing
Visual Design
Helping Idaho Students Identify Next Steps
Idaho state board of ed. / next steps Idaho
Next Steps Idaho is a government website focused on helping students in Idaho identify, understand and take their next step in becoming college and career ready. Our client came with little more than directive from the state plus a wealth of raw information, data and resources. However, there was no clear vision for a product (in this case a website) that would deliver on their goals and directives.
I was able to work with the client and stakeholders to help develop and hone a vision for the product. We developed the Next Steps Idaho brand and website to meet students where they are at on the journey. Whether that’s a high achieving college bound student, or someone who’s part of an ESL family with little support or information. The site delivers content in an approachable and relevant context for each grade level. Most importantly created clarity be reducing jargon and adding context to important tools and resources at student’s disposal. In the end Next Steps Idaho have become a model for other state sponsored sites and have become the focus of Idaho’s college and career readiness efforts.